Pilgrimage to Greece


Start your own transformation journey in the ancient sacred sites of Greece. Imagine a deeply personal, soul-searching exploration combined with a fantastic trip to an exotic land, a deep immersion in another culture and faith, a personal growth trip on the road, a great team-building experience, and a mind-blowing experience…and you might come close to...


New Year. New You

Wright Foundation Chicago Campus 445 E. Ohio, Suite 360, Chicago, IL, United States

Kick off 2020 with this inspiring and empowering vision workshop that will set you, your career, and your relationships on the path to success this year. You have big goals to accomplish, but you know that resolutions don’t last. You need a vision for the year to inspire, energize and drive you forward. Why Attend?...


More Life Training

Wright Foundation Chicago Campus 445 E. Ohio, Suite 360, Chicago, IL, United States

No matter how much we achieve, we all feel the beckoning of our unfulfilled potential. Discover the foundational tools and processes to enhance your social and emotional intelligence skills, break old habits, boost your career or businesses… and ultimately redirect your life. Learn to bring out your best at this truly unique weekend seminar experience.


Rockin’ Relationships

Wright Foundation Chicago Campus 445 E. Ohio, Suite 360, Chicago, IL, United States

Remarkable relationships aren’t the stuff of fairy tales, but the advice we get about them is definitely wishful fantasy. Current research is debunking the myths about what it takes to make great relationships. Let go of everything you thought you knew about the rules of love! Discover how disagreements are really opportunities to deepen your...


Neuroscience of Purpose

Wright Foundation Chicago Campus 445 E. Ohio, Suite 360, Chicago, IL, United States

Neuroscience research has shown that the act of defining a purpose for yourself can create a sense of meaning and inform and improve your relationships, your career, and your well-being. But having a purposeful life requires more than just wishful thinking. We’ve created a workshop that will teach you how to use purpose and meaning to create a vibrant, dynamic life. Using social...
