Rockin’ Relationships

Wright Foundation Chicago Campus 445 E. Ohio, Suite 360, Chicago, IL, United States

Remarkable relationships aren’t the stuff of fairy tales, but the advice we get about them is definitely wishful fantasy. Current research is debunking the myths about what it takes to...


Neuroscience of Purpose

Wright Foundation Chicago Campus 445 E. Ohio, Suite 360, Chicago, IL, United States

Neuroscience research has shown that the act of defining a purpose for yourself can create a sense of meaning and inform and improve your relationships, your career, and your well-being. But having...




Most people think having emotions is a liability or weakness. Actually, when tapped into correctly, your emotions are your superpower! Join Dr. Judith Wright and Barbara Burgess for this powerful...

Power of Authenticity

Wright Foundation Chicago Campus 445 E. Ohio, Suite 360, Chicago, IL, United States

Many people equate power to status, wealth, possessions or physical attributes.  True power comes from being more and more yourself in every moment, learning to develop and share your unique gifts and strengths to improve relationships,...